Our special guest today informed us of the great work being done to improve the health of Ugandans, thanks to Rotary. Read on for more! 
A couple of Nexus announcements today and thoughts and prayers are requested: Eric Fleske and his wife welcomed their new baby, but it was born seven weeks early; Joan Kaplan is continuing treatment
; Doris Wedge is undergoing surgery this week.
Paul Harris foundation recognitions went to Lewis Beckett, receiving his first, and Michael Ridgeway, receiving his ‘plus 1’.

Glenda Thomas presented a Presidential Citation with Distinction presented to our club. 

Congratulations for getting out and selling the Crisps! We sold 514 cans and cleared $4000. Our top seller is Linda Holt. She received a $200 gift card for selling 74 cans
. Way to go!
Trash pickup is this Saturday. Red badgers, meet your community service responsibility and enjoy great early morning fellowship. Philip Wong reminded us the RYLA camp begins June 21st and drivers are needed to transport the campers. Contact Philip if you can help.
Sister Ephrance, associated with the Dr. Belknap clinic in Uganda, spoke at today’s meeting. ‘Sister’ is a term given to Ugandan women who are nurses. She is a Rotarian and health care professional who oversees local health clinics and orphanages. She is an inspiration. To read more about Sister Ephrance, click here.
Vocational tour on May 24th. Read your emails for more information! 
Have a great week and remember: